sepatutnye taip keje sekolah tapi ta de hati gamaknye..hahaha
baru td aku terbace satu comment yg wt aku terfikir pjg sekejap, duekejap..hmmm
tersengih aku bace..ade unsur lawak di situ.. tpi sape la wt gaye bahase cam tu.. ta pasti ta pasti...
thank you so much =)
"dear syahkilla,
for whatever happened to you in your past, u shall leave it there..
u look at urself as being complicated..well the truth is u r not. u r as simple as 'go stret n don't belok2' kinda just dat u just simply don't wanna move on..u don wanna..don't want to..Nīṅkaḷ virumpavillai...Nǐ bùxiǎng..kamu tak mahu!! (ha'a ye, bahasa cina n tamil mmg gua google translate..fine )....
makanya datang lah 123456 dan mungkin ke-7..dan yg pasti akan ada ke 8910111213141516... * letih aaa cenih * selagi kamu tidak move on..sebab apa kamu masih stuck di situ?, ya makanya kamu bertanya, jwpannya mudah...kamu tidak mahu bergerak..u don't realise that u r actually putting conditions in ur head or somehow u r having a 'benchmark' for 123456 or 7 to achieve or pass..where does this conditions/benchmark comes from? u know exactly where..
well there u go..a simple solution for a simple girl.
agaknya kalu 78910111213141516..ah letih~..tak jugak boleh blah..meh try ngan gua je la..
p/s: gua ske yg comlicated2 je..ada art =)
for whatever happened to you in your past, u shall leave it there..
u look at urself as being complicated..well the truth is u r not. u r as simple as 'go stret n don't belok2' kinda just dat u just simply don't wanna move on..u don wanna..don't want to..Nīṅkaḷ virumpavillai...Nǐ bùxiǎng..kamu tak mahu!! (ha'a ye, bahasa cina n tamil mmg gua google translate..fine )....
makanya datang lah 123456 dan mungkin ke-7..dan yg pasti akan ada ke 8910111213141516... * letih aaa cenih * selagi kamu tidak move on..sebab apa kamu masih stuck di situ?, ya makanya kamu bertanya, jwpannya mudah...kamu tidak mahu bergerak..u don't realise that u r actually putting conditions in ur head or somehow u r having a 'benchmark' for 123456 or 7 to achieve or pass..where does this conditions/benchmark comes from? u know exactly where..
well there u go..a simple solution for a simple girl.
agaknya kalu 78910111213141516..ah letih~..tak jugak boleh blah..meh try ngan gua je la..
p/s: gua ske yg comlicated2 je..ada art =)